Light Cure
Mega Tray
Megatray is a light curing tray material for the fabrication of individual custom trays with extremely high dimensional stability.
The composite resin is presented in form of contoured wafers in the colors pink, blue and transparent (natural).
The simple processing of Megatray with a long mode- ling- and processing time makes the efficient producti- on of individual custom trays in the laboratory and dental cabinet possible.
The universal form and the consistent thickness of 2.2 mm of Megatray allows the production of upper and lower trays.
The grip can be made from the rest of the material.
After modulation Megatray must be cured in a light curing unit, e. a. Megalight, for app. 5 minutes.
The consistently high quality of the material guarantees a minor polymeriza- tion shrinkage (below 2 vol.%) and excellent form sta- bility.
Product Name
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